
Some Clinical Experiences of Erastus E. Case, M.D. - Buy One Get One Free!

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Buy one, get one free! Two books for the price of one—only $45! 

This volume is a reprint of Dr. Case's classic, Some Clinical Experiences in which Dr. Case presents over 200 of his cases and 100 prescribing drills. One hundred pages of additional information has been researched and is included to make this a richer and more useful work. Discussions he had with Kent, Boger, Stuart Close, the Allens', and Wesselhoeft are appendixed. Ten of Dr. Case's published papers are included: Another case of Painless Labor, Infected Wounds, Selection of the Remedy, Repertories, Verified Symptoms, Provings of-Clinical Verifications of-Some Characteristics of-Kali phosphoricum, Magnetis Polus Australis, and The Second Prescription. Other items of interest, related to Dr. Case, are also included.

Paperback. 330 pages. Edited by Jay Yasgur, RPh., MSc.