The Secret to Treating Stomach Bugs...(Hint: Use Homeopathy)
Posted by Dr. Lisa Samet N.D. on Jan 10th 2020
The Scourge of the Stomach Bug
A parents’ guide to using homeopathy to help
Dr. Lisa Samet presented a webinar to help consumers understand how to use homeopathy to treat stomach bugs. What follows is the content of the webinar PowerPoint presentation. To see a recording of the webinar visit:
How do we contract gastroenteritis:
The stomach flu can be caused by a number of different viruses that attack your gut. These viruses can be contracted from food that was inadequately prepared/stored or rotten (food poisoning) or from another person who has the virus. Typically, the virus is very contagious and often can run through everyone in the house in matter of days.
Signs and symptoms:
Fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea are the most common symptoms
Typically last 24-48 hours
If you are in contact with a sick person, make sure to wash hands and surfaces often
What to do?
Choose a homeopathic remedy
Fluids are critically important as you’re losing vital bodily fluids through sweating, vomiting, and diarrhea. Drink small sips (good choices include: water, broth, ginger or peppermint tea) or suck on ice chips
If there is a fever, BEST NOT TO EAT
If no fever and hunger, small amounts of BRAT foods: banana, rice, apple sauce, toast work best
How to Choose the Remedy:
In homeopathy, we always look for ‘strange, rare and peculiar symptoms’ as the best guide to the right remedy
Make note of the peculiar symptoms with regard to the specific complaints of the illness (ie, what’s peculiar about the diarrhea, vomiting, etc?)
Then make a note of the peculiar symptoms looking at the general aspects of the person (ie, their thirst, temperature, food cravings, mood, etc – is it different than their usual?)
Common Remedies in Acute Gastro:
Arsenicum Album
Nux vomica
Veratrum album
Keynotes of Arsenicum Album
**Great weakness, esp
after diarrhea**
**Thirsty for small
sips (usually room temp)**
**Better heat, warm
**Very chilly**
Worse between 1-3am
Worry and
restlessness accompanies the nausea, doesn’t want to be alone
Vomiting &
diarrhea at the same time
Stool: can be
burning, acidic, yellow, very offensive
Vomiting immediately
after drinking smallest amount
Keynotes of Pulsatilla
**Weepy, clingy, down
mood with sadness**
**Craves and feels
generally better from fresh air, esp nausea**
**Feels better from
reassurance, company**
Not thirsty, even
with the fever
Nausea (and
generally) worse heat, warm drinks, better cold
Worse evening
Keynotes of Phosphorus
**Wants and better
from cold drinks**
Fearful (alone,
dark, etc)
Better from
sleeping, a nap
Vomiting 15-20
minutes after drinking even a small amount
Has an appetite
with the fever
greenish, mucousy diarrhea
Burning pains common
Keynotes of Nux vomica
**Irritable mood**
**Chilly, even with a
**“wants to but can’t”
– has repeated urges to vomit, pass stool but cannot**
Much retching
Hypersensitivity to
noise, light, odors, being questioned
Worry accompanies the nausea
Spasmodic, crampy
Complaints worse a.m.
in bed on waking
Keynotes of Sulphur
diarrhea (possibly like rotten eggs)
**Diarrhea gets
patient out of bed in the morning, esp 5am, waking with urging**
Thirsty for cold
**Feeling overly warm
and wanting to uncover**
Red lips (more in
Involuntary stool on
passing gas (compare Aloe)
Nausea worse from bad
Standing aggravates
most complaints
Keynotes of Veratrum Album
**Cold perspiration
on forehead with diarrhea and vomiting**
**Huge thirst for
cold water**
Craving for sour
Burping after eating
and heartburn
Diarrhea worse from
Involuntary stool on
passing gas
Violent, forceful
vomiting with equally forceful, gushing diarrhea
Acidic diarrhea
Keynotes for Podophyllum
**Painless diarrhea**
**Forceful, gushing
stool which shoots out**
Frothy, fermented
Yellow stool with
pieces of food (lienteric)
Great weakness after
Keynotes for Ipecac
**“Deathly”, violent,
unrelenting nausea**
**Nausea not better
from vomiting**
Nausea with much
Faintness after
Paroxysmal (waves of)
Ideally a 200c potency
Frequency depends on severity of illness.
General improvements (more energy, feel more comfortable, more at ease, able to sleep, etc.) are equally or more important than improvements in the specific symptoms.
Always give at least 2 doses of the chosen remedy before you change remedies.
If you change the remedy, observe if any symptoms got worse & use this as your guide.
As with any medical condition, consult with your physician if you have any concerns about the severity of your problem as it may first require medical diagnosis and/or intervention and monitoring.
About Dr. Lisa Samet:
Dr. Lisa Samet N.D. provides Washington Homeopathic Products with a regular column on using homeopathy for the family. She's a naturopathic physician who specializes in homeopathic medicine and she's a partner with Dr. Andre Saine N.D. Dr. Samet graduated from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1998 and has been practicing in Montreal since then. She was born and raised in New York.
Dr. Samet has chosen to focus on homeopathy because in her experience it is the deepest healing modality available in that it does not just soothe or palliate symptoms but can actually stimulate the body to start to heal itself. Dr. Samet sees patients in her Montreal office as well as remotely using Skype. Dr. Lisa Samet. You can follow her on Facebook as well.
Photo credit: edenpictures via / CC BY